Brinton's Paint 



Restoration Products

Abatron wood restoration products can be found here at Brinton's Paint Company
Abatron Wood Epox is a shrink-free adhesive putty wood replacement compound that can be used in any thickness in structural and decorative applications to replace, repair, extend or fill wood and other materials.
LiquidWood Restores structural strength and durability to wood fibers.
With LiquidWood, a piece of deteriorated wood that could crumble under finger pressure can be impregnated and restored to a rigid, durable, water and weather resistant wood superior to its original. The hardened mass can  sawed, planed, routed, carved, drilled, nailed, sanded, glued, and painted. LiquidWood is also a primer for WoodEpox.
Abocrete permanently repairs, bonds, rebuilds, and resurfaces concrete and most rigid surfaces.  It is structurally and chemically superior to concrete.  Unlike concrete, latex modified concrete, and other mixes, it is virtually shrink-free.